Insight - Fall 2020

Fall 2020 | 34 Enhancements SMS Messages When sending SMS text/email, the patient’s DOB must have an entry, even if it is less than 1, to prevent a failed or rejected message. Updated the system to send a 0 if the DOB on the Patient Record is blank or less than a year old. Skip Label Only for Interfaces When using the ORD01 trigger, and using a Print > Label Only function, the system triggers an XO across the interface. For certain vendors, this will tell the interface to fill and bill the prescription on their end. To prevent this, we added the option Skip Label Only to the Control File. This list includes the most impactful enhancements specified by our product managers. For a complete list of 19.1.33 NRx Enhancements, browse the Help Guide . New SCRIPT Standard In compliance with New SCRIPT v2017071 that allows for a patient sex of unknown: • Added an Undefined option to the Sex drop-down menu accessed via the Demographic Information section of the Customer Record. 19.1.33 19.1.33 NRx POS