INSIGHT - Summer 2020

Summer 2020 | 21 to ensure consistency of records, to determine the future drug therapy, and any necessary patient communication. y For all RxChangeRequest types (except PA) − If the prescriber approves the change request, the change response should be treated just like a new prescription. − In a change response, there are no limits or requirements around what can or cannot change. − The pharmacy system should process the response data to capture all the necessary information the prescriber sent. What and Why: RxFill Message Type RxFill messages have been available since SCRIPT 10.6, which was mandated in 2014. RxFill messages were geared more toward long- term, post-acute care (LTPAC) settings, but with New SCRIPT v2017071, it has been introduced in the community pharmacy setting. This message type is sent to physicians or LTPAC organizations from the pharmacy to let the entity know the prescription has been dispensed, partially dispensed, or not dispensed. In addition, with New SCRIPT, there is a new field in the new electronic prescription called “RxFillIndicator” that gives physicians the ability to specify the type of RxFill message they would like to receive. For instance, a physician may only want to know when a patient is not being compliant with his medication, so she would only want to receive “Not Dispensed” RxFill messages. Within the new electronic prescription sent to the pharmacy, the physician would simply set the RxFillIndicator to “Not Dispensed.” For community, RxFill status of dispensed means the prescription has been picked up by the patient. Partially dispensed RxFill messages alert that a partial amount of the medication was picked up by the patient and not dispensed means the medication was returned to stock. In order to start generating RxFill messages, your pharmacy must enable the “Send RxFill Messages” option in Store Level Options > Rx Filling . The prescriber’s “RxFill Service Level” must also be enabled on the Prescriber Record. For LTPAC, RxFill status of dispensed means the medication is to be delivered to the specified facility or added to the patient’s profile. Partially dispensed alerts that a partial amount of medication is to be delivered to the specified facility and not dispensed means the medication will not be delivered to the specified facility but has been added to the patient’s profile. The only change to RxFill for a LTPAC setting is the addition of the RxFillIndicator. What to Know About the NewRxRequest A NewRxRequest can be sent from the pharmacy to the prescriber to request a new prescription for a patient. The patient may request this from a pharmacy, even if they have not had the prescription filled at that pharmacy previously. To request more than one prescription, you need to generate a NewRxRequest for each prescription. The prescriber will respond by sending a NewRx, which indicates approval, or a NewRxResponseDenied if they do not wish to approve the request. Within the denial, the prescriber should indicate a reason for denying the request. For example, “Patient needs to talk to prescriber.” How to Generate a NewRxRequest To generate a NewRxRequest, access the patient’s profile and click the Request NewRx button. For additional information on New SCRIPT, visit: for-a-new-script-are-you-ready/ script-part-1-more-prescription- information/ script-part-2-easier-changes-and- clarifications/ part-3-prioritized-prescriptions/ If you have any questions, please contact Pharmacy Services at pharmacyservices@ or 800.845.7558, ext. 1471.